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Full color embroidered, patches 

order:     ambBobSM  -   $4.00   2-3 inches

                 ambBobLG  -   $6.00    4-6 inches                    

amb3bobwhite patch

Click here if paying by credit card

amb6bobwhite patch


RAIBOB Click here to order by credit card

This is a brass and enameled belt buckle. approx. 3 x 4 inch oval.


raiBOB     $10.00, 

Text Box:    These are high quality richly detailed buckles and bolos featuring hand painted, fired porcelain pieces set in wide bronze color metal frames.   
Bolos include tension back slides and black cords with metal tips.    
Text Box:   Bolos $30.00
Bolo click here for credit card orders

Buckles  $32.00

Buckle ....Click here for credit card orders

Limited quantity available,  These are from the original collection

Bobwhite, mini pewter pair, aprox 1”


Raw2875    $10.00

Bobwhite pair ....Click here for credit card orders

 PIN  Bobwhite, Cloisonne pin, aprox 1”

Cutout with topknot meiBJ2237TT    $4.00

Brown flying meiBJ908t

Stamp repo with topknot meiSR1957

Bobwhite pin ....Click here for credit card orders


Featuring American wildlife gifts & collectables 

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Full color embroidered, patches 

order:     MISC BOBWHITE

amb3bobwhite patch
EARRINGS Credit card orders


Enabled or non enamled

......... $15.00