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sis-KR38E         $6.50

EAGLE head, cut-out stylized oval, enameled


sis-KR97        $6.50

EAGLE head, free form pewter shape  

INVENTORY ON THESE ITEMS IS LIMITED.  Checkout will show if it is available.

sis-KR182E     $6.50

EAGLE, soaring, with feather accents and enameled background

sis-KR84E        $6.50

EAGLE, head and flying

horizontal oval, enameled


sis-KR37E         $6.50

EAGLE flying, cut-out stylized oval, enameled


Pewter keyrings.. Click here to order by credit card.

sis-LKF6E         $8.50

EAGLE, soaring, with feather accents, enameled pewter oval, on large leather vertical oval

Eagles - PEWTER & leather KEYRINGS

LKF Pewter keyrings.. Click here to order by credit card.

sis-LKF6      $8.50

EAGLE, soaring, with feather accents,  pewter oval, on large leather vertical oval


Eagle' Gift  pewter figurine      Bronzed eagle sculptures


   Art Imp bolos     Pewter bolos, deluxe     Pewter buckles     Pewter buckles, deluxe  


 Pewter Pins    Keyrings      Soft Sculpture & puppets      Cold cast bronze figurines


  Crushed pecan shell cast figurines                          Eagle patches


Featuring American wildlife gifts & collectables 

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