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Soaring eagle on oval,

enameled has blue back

ground.  approx 3/4  X  1


sisPN2188      $4.00

sisPN2188E    $4.50

Flying eagle on arrowhead.  

not enameled   approx1x 3/4 


sisPN2063E     $4.50


Cutout eagle head,

Profile, pewter not

enameled  approx 1 x 3/4

sisPN1117     $3.00  N/A

Pewter EAGLE Pins

Finely detailed cast pewter pins, 1 to 2 inches with tie tack back.  A touch of enamel highlights features

 and diamonds cuts add life and sparkle.

   an  “E” after the number indicates an enameled pin.                   

Pewter Eagle Pins
Enameled Pewter Eagle Pins

Click highlighted areas for credit card orders.

All pin numbers will be listed.

 Credit card orders include shipping and handling charges

Screaming eagle head with feather accents.  Enameled pin has blue background.   approx 1 X 1 1/4


sisPN3013        $4.00

sisPN3013E      $4.50

Double eagle, head & flying.  Small cutout. not enameled

approx 3/4  X  1


sisPN2013      $4.00

Tall wing eagle, cutout.

note Enameled

   approx 1 1/2 X 1 1/2


sisPN3024     $4.00

Eagle head on arrowhead.

     approx 1 x  3/4


 sisPN2046     $4.00  

sisPN2046E   $4.50   (4 available

Eagle head on enameled flag.

   approx 1 x 3/4      (ENAMELED ONLY

sisPN2015E             $4.50

Landing eagle, tall wing.

Small cutout, not enameled

  approx  3/4  X  1


sisPN2014      $4.00



Eagle' Gift  pewter figurine      Bronzed eagle sculptures

   Pewter bolos, deluxe     Pewter buckles     Pewter Pins    Keyrings        

             Eagle patches          Soft Sculpture & puppets     

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Featuring American wildlife gifts & collectables 

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